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Anal Pain

Usual causes of anal pain are 1. Anal Fissure, 2. Thrombosed haemorrhoids, 3. Abscess, 4. Cancer, 5. Anal warts, 6. Proctalgia Fugax/Levator ani syndrome. The commonest cause of pain is anal fissure. The pain associated with an anal fissure is typically located at the opening of the anus and is acute and sharp. Pain is usually associated with passing of stools and last approximately a hour. Although majority of hemorrhoids can cause no symptoms, others can be quite painful especially when part or complete pile gets thrombosed( Blood inside the pile gets clotted). Abscess (collection of pus just underneath the skin) can cause severe symptoms. Patients generally feel a lump around the anus. The pain is continuous and only relieved when the abscess ruptures(break open) or by formal drainage. Anal cancers do rarely cause continuous pain and usually associated with some bleeding. Proctalgia Fugax, is a condition with no cause, but is associated with pain which lasts for about 20 minutes but are symptom free between the episodes. Levator ani syndrome is possibly caused by dysfunction of levator muscles (Muscles that separate abdomen from pelvis) and the pain can last for long time..

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